CRO Starts At The Very First Step

There are many ways to monetize data traffic. Understanding where your web traffic comes from and what visitors do on your site is the first step to determining the best ways to monetize that traffic. Here, knowing your visitors is essential. While understanding your web metrics and statistics is essential, you should not neglect the […]

Optimization Mistakes That Many Affiliate Marketers Make

Optimizing your affiliate campaign and associated network is essential in the quest to drive revenue from conversions. To this end, we optimize various aspects of our traffic funnel and website. Unfortunately, there are some common factors that we tend to overlook in the process. In some cases, it is a case of “over-optimization” rather than […]

What data do you need to improve your affiliate performance?

Effective data collection is essential to tangibly measure the success of your affiliate marketing campaign and improve its performance. Which parameters should you track, and why? What relevant insights can you gain from this data, and why is it important? Let’s find out. What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing has become an important section of […]

Analysis Paralysis: When Do You Have Too Much Data?

Everyone tracks data. It forms the basis of well-thought-through, effective marketing and business plans. That said, it’s important to note that data saturation is real and sometimes hard to identify.